Power to the People!

They say that “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”. And we agree. That’s why we are a passionate team of complementary fashion activists, from production, marketing to finance. 

Meet two of our formidable team, Seerat and Mia, to discover what motivates them to clean up fashion's act. 


The woman who, when not bouncing balls on the netball court or cutting her hair off for charity, can be found head down devising circular design strategies to drive our mission and purpose.

 Mia Shu in our Lamma Dress

How did you first become interested in responsible fashion?

I became interested in sustainable fashion after I started my first job at Redress, as an Education Assistant. I had no experience in the fashion industry so as days, weeks and months went by, I learnt about the impact of this industry. It is heartbreaking to see how our existing system is exploiting both the people and the planet.

At the same time, I saw how creativity, crafting, culture and history is woven into our clothes, and the sheer amount of effort people put into making our clothes. It is because of this love and efforts, I hope that the industry can change for the better.

How does your sustainability ethos translate in your clothing choices?

I rarely buy any new clothes. I would rather swap with my friends or buy secondhand clothes. Secondhand stores are a concoction of different brands in one, so you can always find gems that you will cherish. I recently found this beautiful Paria Farzaneh’s neon sweater in the Hong Kong’s Redress charity shop.  I love knitwear - and secondhand - so I fell in love with it immediately! 

What advice would you give to people wanting to become a more conscious consumer?

Keep an eye out for Greenwashing! It is prevalent in every industry, including fashion, and so it’s hard to know which brands are ‘sustainable’ vs those who are just talking about it. To cut through the confusion, you can try to use platforms like ‘Good On You’, to look at the sustainability ratings of your brands, which is a great place to start. 

Here is a link to The R Collective on Good On Your. You’re sure to find The R Collective amongst other amazing brands :) 


Our Brand Manager, is as comfortable globetrotting from Florence, New Delhi to Hong Kong as she is peddling responsible fashion into the hearts, minds and wardrobes of global fashionistas.  


“Rescue: Reuse: Recycle” - What does that mean to you?

These words bring The R Collective top of mind!  Not just because it's our sole purpose, but because these circular design mantras are something we live by as a collective everyday.

It’s no secret that the fashion industry leaves a big footprint on the planet. I happen to love the planet - and so I have rolled my sleeves up to get my hands dirty on the solutions! 

How did you first become interested in responsible fashion? 

My relationship with sustainability has always been a part of my lifestyle. Growing up in an Indian household, recycling and upcycling is more of a cultural norm so having a responsible approach to fashion is second nature to me.

On the other hand, design has always been a powerful medium for me to express my creativity. And as I got involved in fashion, I became increasingly aware of the blatant disregard not only for the environment, but also for the workers.

This was the catalyst that made me realise how critical it is to approach design with care for people and the environment. And so my quest to advocate and work in responsible fashion began!

In 2015, I started advocating for sustainability in the fashion industry and was fortunate to be recognised for my work through amazing platforms such as Redress, Vogue India, Hindustan Times and several more. 

Today, I'm very proud to be working with a social impact business, The R Collective. There is still so much that needs to change and we are working hard to make that change possible. 

Why is marketing so important in sustainability? 

Everyone has a story to tell! I believe that accountability is instilled by transparency, which is a major driver of change. 

When marketing for The R Collective, we're attempting to educate and inspire people on conscious consumption by being open about our values, our successes and our failures.

In the end, it’s not about proving that you're environmentally-conscious. It is about being honest and open with our customers and giving them the ability to make their own decisions about the products and services they are considering purchasing.

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